Before you arrive, call our 24-hour hotline at (585) 234-0252 for picking conditions, picking updates, hours & pricing.

Corn Maze
Approximate Harvest Dates:
September 20 - October 31
Our family-friendly corn maze is designed with children in mind, and designed to take less than an hour. Please remember that this is a cornfield. Boots or shoes that can get dirty are strongly encouraged, and the ground may be uneven.
By entering the Corn Maze you accept the following risks:
Paths may be bumpy or uneven, please watch your step.
This is a CORNFIELD; shoes may. become dirty and/or wet.
Paths are meant for foot traffic. Jogging strollers, off-road wagons, etc. may enter at your discretion and risk.
The last ticket for entry is sold ONE HOUR before closing time.
Corn Maze Rules
Stay on the established maze paths.
Don’t cut through the corn.
No picking or throwing corn or rocks.
No smoking or open flames.
No high heels, flip flops, or open-toed shoes. Please wear footwear appropriate for a cornfield.
Children under 12 MUST have adult supervision. Parents assume responsibility for the actions of any children under 18 years of age.
No pets are permitted in the maze unless they are registered service animals.
No alcohol, drugs, or persons under the influence permitted.
No littering. Trash cans are available at entry/exit.​​
Get lost and have fun!​​
You are entering a farm activity protected under New York State Law (Subsection 18-303(1)(d) “Safety in Agritourism Act.” State law requires this posting. By entering this activity, you agree to not act in any negligent manner that may contribute to injury, death, damage, or loss. You are assuming the risks of this activity and must exercise reasonable care, comply with all posted signage, and not willfully damage, remove, or ignore signage and directions from employees. If you feel you cannot comply with these directions, you are entitled to a full refund of your unused admission ticket.