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Before you arrive, call our 24-hour hotline at (585) 234-0252 for picking conditions, picking updates, hours & pricing.
Full Picking Schedule
Check the charts below to find out what fruits are in season. Produce is available for U-Pick, at the Farm Stand at West Wind Farm, and in the Shop at Blue Barn Cidery.
Please note that the weather determines the exact ripening dates. Please call our hotline at 585.234.0252 (available 24/7) for available produce. Hours for picking vary depending on the season.
Fruits | Appox Date | U Pick | Blue Barn |
Raspberries | Jul 10 - Jul 27 | Yes | No |
Blackberries | Jul 10 - Jul 27 | No | No |
Blueberries | Jul 14 - Aug30 | Yes | Yes |
Apricots | Jul 20 - Aug 5 | No | No |
Currants | Late July | Yes | Yes |
Gooseberries | Late July | Yes | No |
Jostaberries | Late July | No | No |
Plums | Aug 1 - Aug 20 | Yes | Yes |
Nectarines | Aug 10 - Sep 15 | No | Yes |
Peaches | Aug 10 - Sep 15 | Yes | Yes |
Prunes | Sep 1 - Sep 14 | Yes | Yes |
Apples | Sep 1 - Oct 31 | Yes | Yes |
Pumpkins | Sep 20 - Oct 31 | Yes | No |
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